Stage 2 of Jimmy's immersion into U2 began today with
October, U2's 1981 offering. I picked up a hard copy for the car of the 2008 remastered version (not the $31 Deluxe version that was just released as well) at
FYE for $11. The liner notes bill it as "The sound of a band in crisis yet on fire,
October is U2's forgotten gem. A thunderous roar of spiritual confusion, and sci-
fi rock, it is the album that almost finished them off before they began." I've always loved the album myself, although it does get put on the back shelf by many U2 fans who label it as their
sophomore jinx. To me, the blatant, in your face, religion always spoke to me. And, it is not just because it is Christianity; it's not just the message that compels me, it's the delivery. It totally flies in the face of the new
millennium's "speak up, then apologize" attitude.
One of the strengths of U2's producers has always been track sequencing. You'll never listen to a U2 album and go, "That should have been the first track, not _____".
October is no exception, with "Gloria" starting us on the right foot. Unfortunately, that is as far as we got today, since I wanted to get that song into his head, especially the outro chorus. There was even a promise of a Happy Meal if he could sing along with it. After the 2nd or 3rd time listening, he started to get the sounds down, but at the end, would follow-up with, "Walk away song, daddy?" Well, at least he is in the right ballpark...
To be continued.