Friday, February 8, 2008

bd's Mongolian BBQ

Long Island needs a bd's Mongolian BBQ!!!

Just got back from a business trip to Naperville and the group headed to a bd's Mongolian BBQ for dinner. It's a chain in the mid-west with some locations in the south.

Basic Principle - load up a bunch of beef, pork, seafood, chicken, vegetables and spices in a bowl, hand to some kid slaving over a big circular grill top, watch the show and then eat the goods. For $1 more, do it as many times as you want.

I'm sure Manhattan has a few of these places, but c'mon, this is LI! We invented chain resturants! How are us suburbanites going to schlep our kids into a place in NYC that a) we probably will have to wait 2 hours for and b) will look down at us bringing kids in.

Some business development guy or gal out there - the Island needs you to step up!!!

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